It is well known that the nature of a child’s nutrition during the nine months he or she is in the womb and the first couple of years of life programs and shapes health for the rest of his or her life. What a baby eats during this period of development is no less important than the genetic background.
Hardly anyone would argue that the “gold standard” of infant nutrition is breast milk. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding exclusively until the age of six months and, if possible, continuing breastfeeding in combination with complementary foods until the age of two. However, sometimes this is not possible for objective medical or social reasons. Then the pediatrician switches the baby to mixed or artificial feeding. And here the problem immediately arises – how to choose the most suitable breast milk substitute.
Problems with baby formula
Problems with baby formula can occur at any time if it is not appropriate for the age or indication, or if the baby does not like the taste. The clearest signs that the formula is not suitable for your baby are loose stools or constipation, regurgitation, allergic skin rashes, colic and bloating, increased gas or even refusal to eat. If the formula is not appropriate, the first thing parents will see is underweight, and the doctor will be able to confirm the problem with a laboratory test.
The baby’s introduction to any product should start with small doses. At the first feeding, you should give no more than one scoop of the formula (it is always added to the package). The next day, try two and observe the reaction of the child’s body. On the third day, you will know exactly whether the product is suitable for your baby.
How to determine if the formula is unsuitable for the baby?
- Looking at the baby’s tummy we observe that it is dense and bloated, there is bloating, increased gas – this may indicate lactose deficiency, physiological colic, an allergy to cow’s milk protein or even improper feeding from a bottle.
- Your baby’s skin is an indicator of how the formula feels. If the product is not suitable, the skin reacts immediately with an allergic reaction in the form of redness and rash. It is a little-known fact that allergies to formula can be manifested by lacrimation, runny nose and cough.
- If the formula is really not right for your baby, you will see it in his stools. This can be constipation and stool plugs, a pungent smell, abnormal blood and mucus, undigested lumps of food. A sudden change in stool from mushy to liquid or hard with lumps also indicates a digestive disorder.
- Frequent and abundant regurgitation or even vomiting indicates that the formula is not being used properly. Of course, it could also be caused by overfeeding or by an incorrect feeding bottle. In any case, you need to ask your pediatrician about this problem, so as not to miss the worst case – abnormalities of the digestive organs.
- And, of course, the main criterion for the perception of the formula is how the baby feels and behaves. If it begins to behave unusually, worries, cries and refuses the bottle, it is worth finding a reason for this. Probable reasons are: individual intolerance to the components, lactose deficiency, stomatitis, and an allergy to cow’s milk proteins.
You may often hear about the fact that the baby is not suitable for the formula. But in order to prevent this from happening to your baby, you need to consider all the criteria for choosing a good product.
The product should be chosen with the age of the baby in mind:
- So the product intended for a baby who is not yet six months old is marked with “one”.
- If the baby is more than six months old, but less than a year old, then it is suitable with the mark “2”.
- “Three” – suitable for children over one year of age.
It is very important to check the expiration date. It is unacceptable to give your baby an expired product.
It is necessary to assess the composition of the formula. Likewise, it is important to have all the necessary micronutrients and vitamins, probiotics, lactose, PUFAs. Make sure that there is no sucrose or starch.
For example organic formula Holle. The company also produces a formula based on goat’s milk.
Pay attention to the fact that the protein content in one liter of prepared mixture is 12 – 14 grams.
Carefully read the instructions for cooking. It is important that it be clear and informative.
Give preference to formula that you can afford. You cannot get your baby used to one formula now and then buy another due to lack of money. You will only harm your baby’s health that way.
Always remember that any suspicion of tummy or skin problems in your baby should be referred to your doctor. Do not choose a formula on your own, on the advice of friends or grandmothers, because your baby may need a specialized milk food, the appropriateness of which can only be assessed by a doctor, as well as whether the baby is suitable or not the formula.
Any doubts about the baby’s health, even far-fetched ones, are a reason to go to the doctor and find out what’s wrong, because adverse manifestations are sometimes so insignificant that the problem can be missed. The same colic can be both the norm and a sign of a problem.
Follow the rules for the choice of formula, and you greatly reduce the likelihood of developing a negative reaction to the introduction of the formula. Of course, you should not forget about individual intolerance to certain ingredients or allergies. That is why it is so important to introduce a new product gradually, in small portions, watching how the baby’s body reacts.
So it’s easy to tell if artificial nutrition is right for your baby. With the right formula, the baby will like the feeding process and will actively suckle from the bottle. If the food is digested well, the baby sleeps the required amount of time for his age, showing no signs of anxiety. No skin reactions are manifested, the frequency of stools is normal, without unpleasant odors. In addition, an excellent indicator of proper selection of the milk formula is a stable weight gain by the infant.
If you observe the above situation, rejoice, you have been able to find the optimal formula for your baby. So eat with pleasure and grow up healthy.
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